• leader en qualité


Privacy Policy

Intellectual property

The general structure of the web site «www.groupebatimat.com» and the collection of contents available on this site (images, articles, photos, logos, brands, videos, interviews, sounds, texts…), are protected by the legislation in place in Senegal by means of intellectual property, notably those of authors rights, associated rights, the rights of brands, the rights of image, , … and by international legislation.

The hereby General Conditions of Use does not transfer any right of the intellectual property to the user.

All rights of reproduction are reserved, including the text, downloadable documents, iconographic representations and photographs.

To this effect, without the express advance authorization of the Batimat Group, it is strictly forbidden to use the contents of the site «www.groupebatimat.com» and furthermore to reproduce, represent, modify or adapt of this site..

Consequently any reproduction or representation, either partially or fully,of the web pages or any other content of the site «www.groupebatimat.com», by anybody or anybody supporting them will constitute an infraction of the law and will be subject to legal action.

Hypertext links

The hypertext links put in place directing users to other sites does not come under the responsibility of the Batimat Group, who has no control over the contents of these sites.


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Privacy Policy / Batimat © 2015